The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design
by Edward Allen, Joseph Iano
Category: Book
Binding: Hardcover
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Results The Architect's Studio Companion: Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design
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Small Kitchen Island Ideas for Every Space and Budget ~ Small Kitchen Island Aisles and Clearances Once you’ve decided that you’d like to add a kitchen island how large should your island be According to the book The Architect’s Studio Companion Rules of Thumb for Preliminary Design allow an aisle of 36” wide or 42” wide if the island is facing an appliance door Good places for islands include the center of a kitchen or to enclose
Références et ressources principales Examen des ~ Autres références Autres modes de réalisation de projets 2005 Alberta Association of Architects et Association of Professional Engineers Geologists and Geophysicians of Alberta Architectural Acoustics 2006 Long M ElsevierAcademic Press Burlington MAdisponible en anglais seulement la deuxième édition devrait sortir sous peu
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